Saturday, October 2, 2010

Could I Be Getting OCD About My Weight Even Though I'm Not Really Trying To Lose Any?

I've been checking my weight bascially every day, and often more than once a day. It's often within the general vicinity of upper 130's to low 140's. At various times, I'd plug in my height and weight on According to the calculations, my BMI is estimated to be 24, which is considered marginal, and the comments I got from that site are that I needed to watch my diet and get more exercise.

I didn't use to take part in the weekly weigh-ins on the Bookcrossing forums, but I've started to as of a few weeks ago. I was welcomed in even though, unlike the other participants, I wasn't trying to lose weight per se, just keep it under 145 lbs.

I've been a bit on the heavy side for as long as I can remember but not necessarily obese (that I can recall). As a teenager, I've weighed as much as 155 lbs. The lowest I've ever weighed as an adult was 125 (much of which was attributed to a lot of walks I had been taking; my first year of college, I went from a size 14 in the fall to a size 10 by spring). When I got my BMI tested in a fitness class I took in college as a freshmen via the skinfold caliper method, I was considered to be in the "average" category.  Despite weight I've lost over different times of my life, I'm a bit thick in the thighs (part of why I don't like wearing shorts that much) and the stomach (which sticks out a little, but it's not too bad).

I'm not on any kind of diet at this point. I usually eat lightly in the day, but it's mainly because of time constraints. I do a lot of my commutes on foot as I don't drive. Also, the nature of my volunteer work has me moving about (or at least on my feet) almost all day. My weight will go up or down a pound (or a fraction thereof) in any given day. I just now stepped away from my laptop to check my weight. It has gone up half a pound since this morning.

Maybe it's the easy access to a scale. Maybe it has been all of those episodes of Money Hungry on VH1. Maybe it's symbolic of some other issue in my life. Whatever it is, I seem to have an obsession with my weight to the point where I feel constant urges to check it.

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